This video documents We Speak Music, the documentary series, is a groundbreaking, artistic collaboration between the international world-class beatboxer and visual artist – Harry Yeff (aka Reeps One) and the world-renowned, technological innovator – Nokia Bell Labs. This collaboration is an investigative journey of human communication offering insights into the voice from a scientific, cultural, technological and artistic perspective while using beatboxing as the ultimate exploration of its potential. The series raises many interesting questions about the importance we place on the human voice, its unstudied capabilities beyond speaking and the role it could play in an increasingly global society regarding interacting with machines. Reeps One, inspired by his journey and the pioneering work of Nokia Bell Labs across many disciplines, created a spectacle performance using a sophisticated, deep learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. The result is amazing – a novel collaboration between the human voice and a technology that will soon be ubiquitous.
Watch Episodes 1 - 6 of We Speak Music:
Nokia,Nokia Bell Labs,Bell Labs,E.A.T.,Reeps One,Harry Yeff,AI,Artificial Intelligence,Machine Learning,ML,beatboxing,beatboxer,voice,