World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth patch 8.3 is finally HERE! Visions of N'zoth bring allied race Death Knights, playable Vulpera and Mechagnomes, the brand new N'zoth Invasions and Horrific Visions, new Essences, Corrupted gear (and everything that comes with it, the new auction house, the new Corrupted Mythic+ affix, new mounts, pets and BACKPACKS and of course... the great Worm from Beyond! Join us as we check out the good and the bad, and give you our week 1 guide in the Weekly Reset; Taliesin and Evitel's Wondrous Wisdomshow.
+++ Wowhead Articles +++
Patch 8.3 Visions of N'Zoth - What to Do On 8.3 Patch Day & During the First Week:
Artifact Power in Patch 8.3 Visions of N'Zoth - 6 Free Weeks of Artifact Knowledge:
How Not to Fail Horrific Visions - Solo vs. Group Runs, Cooking Sanity Recipes, Faceless Masks, Routes:
+++ Taliesin & Evitel +++
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