For All The Jural Assemblies - 35 Lawful Persons. February 19, 2019 By Anna Von Reitz
It important for the State Jural Assemblies and the State General Assemblies, which follow, to understand the concept of 'Persons".
A "person" is created every time we name someone or something, be it a baby or a business--- every time we create any form of office, job title, military rank, pen name, married name, performer's name or nick name, too.
A person is not a living being. Your name is not you. It is a "handle", a "utility", a means of identifying you among billions of other people. It is a "representation" or "image" or "persona" of yours, that you are supposed to own and care for in the same way that you own a bicycle.
Your Proper Name, also called your Good Name, your Trade Name, or your Given Name (because it is given to you---literally) is your Lawful Person when you are standing on the land and soil of your State.
Persons fall into three basic categories: (1) unincorporated, (2) corporate, and (3) incorporated.
The first two kinds of Persons---unincorporated and corporate -- are "Lawful Persons". The distinction between unincorporated and corporate is based on degree of separation from physical actuality.
Unincorporated Lawful Persons are sometimes called First Degree Sovereigns and Corporate Lawful Persons are considered Second Degree Sovereigns.
Sovereignty is an element of free will and it is only possessed by Lawful Persons; only unincorporated entities are truly free.
So we each have our own Proper Name, which is a Lawful Person---sometimes referred to as a "Natural Person".
Private unincorporated businesses are another class of Lawful Persons known as "Business Persons". These also naturally occupy the land and soil jurisdiction of the American States.
A third kind of Lawful Person is called a Corporate Business Person -- not "incorporated" -- merely "corporate".
A Lawful Corporate Business Person is typically formed by one or more unincorporated businesses. Unions, Leagues, Clubs, Holding Companies, Fellowships, Federations, and some forms of Trusts are Lawful Corporate Business Persons.
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