⚠️All Fishing Planet videos apply to The Fisherman game as well. (Same gameplay)⚠️
🎣 My favorite Lucky Spot event this time with a full bag of 5 Uniques to take home another 1st place finish! The most I did get in this was 6. I had a shot for the 6th at the end but it never hit. Next time :) Good Luck guys and tight lines! 🎣
✅Each year there is a new "has been" on Twitch, 2019 Phil crumbled over stupidity and became the biggest hypocrite the game has yet seen and it's showing. Sorry guys for plugging him and believing his lies. Please stop complaining to me, go give it to him instead. lol Who is he now anyways .... JELLY :D
Here is the link on where to obtain the X-series gear
I'll be live nearly daily soon!! Make sure you hit that follow button to get notified to follow along, stream snipers are always welcomed :) Twitch.tv/KrellicOG Updates and schedules will be posted through my discord through this link 🎣
🤞 Good Luck and Good Fishing! 🤞
🎮Fishing Planet is a free PC game through steam, Xbox, Windows Store, and Play Station 4 which you can download and also check out. 🎮
For future updates follow me on:
✅Twitch: Twitch.tv/KrellicOG
✅Xbox: ttvKrellicOG
✅Steam: KrellicOG
✅Snapchat: KrellicOG
✅Business e-mail - KrellicOG@gmail.com
🤟Thanks for watching! 🤟