How can we identify the spirit of jezebel and if we are operating under its influence or being manipulated by it? Jezebel was the most wicked woman in the bible, she is the number one destroyer of churches, families, marriages, etc.
The purpose of jezebel was to remove God from the people. It’s assignment was to overtake authority, remove men’s masculinity and reduce it, steals legacies (natural and spiritual), seduces people to commit sexual immorality, shuts down true worship, destroy fatherhood, and kills apostles and prophets.
Jezebel can be identified by experience and discernment and knowing it’s characteristics. Many people now, are the result of this controlling spirit.
But this spirit cannot take territory unless it has the legal right to enter. This is how we can know if we are operating under this spirit, or being controlled by it.
It takes legal right in a person through unresolved emotional pain (rejection, unforgiveness etc). If this is you, you are a secure target of jezebel. It is rooted in pain, jealousy, and abuse. If you let go of these things you take away it’s influence over your life.
Listen to the rest of this message to know how to expose and fight the spirit of jezebel!
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