One word: cooties.
No, just kidding. Actually, it's because the two were more like brother and sister. The pair grew up on and off screen together he was 11 and she was nine when they first started filming so despite fans' love of Ron and Hermione together, it was totally awkward for them to smooch in front of the cameras or anywhere for that matter.
In 2016, Grint told People that their on-screen smooch in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II wasn't exactly either actor's dream scenario.
"I've known Emma since she was literally 9 years old and we had this very brother-sister relationship and it just felt very surreal. I have a memory of her face getting closer and closer. Like, 'Oh my God.' I can't really remember anything apart from that."
And it didn't help that fans had been waiting for years to see it.
"It was such a huge moment and there was so much expectation. Quite a lot of pressure actually."
For her part, Watson felt pretty much the same way. She told Movies Ireland,
"It's purely the fact that he's like my brother and we were both totally in the same boat. I'm sure he will tell you exactly the same thing. It was very strange and very weird. Believe me, we both wanted it to be over equally as much as the other. It's honestly like kissing my brother. It was weird."
It got even weirder for Watson, though, because she also had to kiss her other long-time co-star, Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter himself. And it wasn't just any old run-of-the-mill kiss. The kiss happened during a nightmare sequence in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I where Ron imagined Hermione hooking up with Harry - while the two were naked and covered in silver paint and glitter. Hey, Ron has some weird dreams, okay?
Watson told J-14 that while the kiss was weird on a personal level, as an actor she's happy with the finished result.
"I'm proud of it. And considering how bloody awkward it was [...] I'm really impressed that we managed to make it look anything other than awkward. Dan and I are like brother and sister, so it was tough making it look passionate, believe me."
Adding to the difficulty was the fact that Grint kept cracking up during filming, to the point where he was eventually banished from the set. Grint told J-14,
"When they were there actually filming that kiss, they did actually want me there to kind of play off something, but I just found that too funny. Emma sent me out because I kept laughing. It just looked really strange."
For his part, Radcliffe mostly seems to want people to stop asking him about it. He told MTV News,
"I've just been getting into so much trouble with Emma about this, because apparently I said in an interview that she was like an animal. I thought it was going to be a kind of a slow, sensual thing, and Emma really went for it."
He continued,
"It was kind of weird. It is a bit like kissing your sister. I'm not complaining! It was good. It was vigorous [...] For me, I wasn't too freaked out. But it's a bigger deal for Emma. I think it generally is a bigger deal for girls."
So which of her co-stars does Watson think is a better kisser? During a 2011 press conference, Watson was asked that very question. According to The Telegraph, Watson chose the diplomatic route and said they were equally bad.
"With Harry, I was half naked and covered in silver paint, so that was pretty awkward. Kissing Rupert was also awkward. We had just been soaked by an enormous bucket of water, which we had to pretend we didn't know was going to hit us."
She concluded,
"They were both strange situations to be in, but both were complete gentlemen. It's obviously hard to put our personal history to one side considering we grew up together. But once you've done it four or five times, it gets quite boring. So it definitely got easier."
Watch the video for The Reason Rupert Grint Didn't Want To Kiss Emma Watson In Harry Potter!
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