THE SECRET Super Rich Guys Use to Naturally Attract the
(...and It Has NOTHING to Do with Money, Wealth, Status )
Attracting Hotter Women
Yeah, as amazing as it may seem, even rich guys have just as much trouble attracting hot women as regular guys.
In the worst cases, it can seriously affect their ego and psychology. They get really weird, trying to overcompensate in all other areas of their life. Trying to block out the rejection, shame and embarrassment in their minds.
Or it depresses them tremendously and they become reclusive in their mansions.
Or they become all creepy.
When you see celebrities get all weird on TMZ? It’s usually because they’re lacking some sort of female companionship.
Now, you may think:
“Oh Brent, what are you talking about? With that kind of money, they can rent a prostitute or an escort.”
And you would be right. And no doubt, some do. But those aren’t my market. Those aren’t the guys I help every single day.
The guys I help may be bulls in the boardroom, full of swagger and ambition, but when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex?
They struggle.
THEY STRUGGLE BAD Think about it.
Attracting hot girls is just as much a problem for guys who have too much money as it is for guys who don't have enough money.
Imagine in your social circle, if every guy in the room made just as much money as you. Money would cease to be a criteria for attraction because everybody has it, wouldn’t it?
In high society, surprisingly after a certain point, money doesn’t matter. It ceases to be an advantage.
It’s the ultimate equalizer. The ultimate handicap.
So what would be the new attraction criteria used by the hottest women?
What would be better? Well fortunately, because I socialize in these circles, I have an answer.
Read more Attract Hotter Women Review , please click link in description below !
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