
Who Won the Debate? Why Andrew Yang DOMINATED the Presidential Debate Over Joe Biden

Who Won the Debate? Why Andrew Yang DOMINATED the Presidential Debate Over Joe Biden After the third presidential democratic debate everyone wants to know Who Won The Presidential Debate ?
Andrew Yang was the top trending candidate on Google Trends and in this video I will go over Video clips of Andrew Yang from the Third Dem Debate and explain why Andrew Yang DOMINATED the Third Dem Debate Over Joe Biden even with Andrew Yang's Limited speaking time.

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Who Won The Presidential Debate

Andrew Yang finally started stirring up some Controversy after his opening statement in the Third Dem Debate. Andrew Yang proposed that he would give $1000 dollars to ten people who entered their email information on Andrew Yang's 2020 presidential campaign website.

This magical Controversy Pushed Andrew Yang to top of trending and it accomplished two amazing things for Andrew Yang. Name Recognition and Brand Recognition

Name Recognition is simply how many people recognize the name Andrew Yang when the see it or hear it

Brand Recognition is do they know Andrew Yang's platform and is it one of the first things they think of when they think about Andrew Yang.

The genius of this Controversy is that it is centered around is biggest platform point UBI. This will create "haters" online that will hate against his Universal Basic Income proposal and because Andrew Yang has one of the most active online armies of any candidate, they will gladly debate haters in the comment section to argue the validity of Andrew Yang.

Now most people cannot be swayed, but a person who is neutral and heres about Andrew Yang through his Controversy will be intrigued about his platform and want to find out more about Andrew Yang and his UBI platform policy.

This is similar to the Socialism Criticism Bernie Sanders gets and the Immigration criticism Donald Trump gets. Half of people hate them for these policies and people voicing their frustration for these policies ends up being the best marketing for people who like this policies but just have never heard them

Who Won The Presidential Debate

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Why You Should Vote for Andrew Yang
Who Won The Presidential Debate
Why You Should Vote for Andrew Yang (Ft. Andrew Yang)

2020 presidential race news,andrew yang,andrew yang debate highlights,andrew yang news interview,andrew yang ubi debate,democratic debate 2019 highlights,h3 podcast highlights andrew yang,third democratic presidential debate,third democratic presidential debate 2019,Who Won The Presidential Debate,who won the Third presidential debate,who won the Third dem presidential debate,Why You Should Vote for Andrew Yang (Ft. Andrew Yang),Why You Should Vote for Andrew Yang,

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