Prescription Drug Overdose: Over-the-counter (OTC) medications and prescription drugs usually help heal an ailment or relieve pain. However, to make sure that the prescribed medicine works effectively and not ruins the health of the patient, it is important to take it in accord with a doctor's prescription. Misuse of such drugs can be harmful to a patient. An overdose of these drugs can even prove fatal.
As such, prescription drug overdose is never intentional as many of the medicines such as pain relievers, cough syrups, etc., come with measuring tools like spoons, cups, syringes, etc., to ensure a proper dose. However, the probability of overdose is highest in cases where a person is addicted to prescription drugs. Apart from this, there could be a situation when a person succumbs to an accidental overdose.
Nevertheless, one can adopt certain strategies to avoid an accidental overdose
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