I watched some install videos here, but felt they glossed over the finer details of installing one of these.
It's quite a job. Certainly not impossible, but more that many people are led to believe when they buy these things. I have no doubt that is why I got such a good deal on the one I bought. Someone got in over their head and backed out.
To sum it up, you MUST have electrical experience, constuction experiance, and be comfortable using tools in order to do this job right. In many cases you will also have to have or hire someone with Air conditioning equipment to evac and charge the system. The Mr.Cool unit thankfully cam equipped with a pre-charged system, but any install errors would have required me to drag out my A/C gauges, an evac pump and a tank of gas to fix it.
Let me know if you have any questions on install and I'll try and help you out.
With all this said, the unit does work great and is very quiet to operate.