This video is recommended for 18+ Adults due to the content. This pick a card reading may not resonate with every one as this is a general Energy reading. Please only take on board the messages you feel are intuitively for you and from the person you are thinking about.
🕒🕠Time Stamps🕒🕠
💍Reading One : 0:24
💋Reading Two : 10:18
❤️️Reading Three : 21:19
Card Deck Used
The Romantic Tarot ( Lo Scarabeo )
By (author) Emanuela Signorini , Illustrated by Giulia F. Massaglia
🌟⭐️For a Personal reading please book via my website 🌟⭐️
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It is a legal requirement that I include a disclaimer on this site. In accordance with the law in several countries we must point out that all tarot readings given here are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. I am not qualified to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice, and we do not give advice. If you require advice of any kind you should seek a suitable licensed professional.