Once upon the time, a young man went to his rich mentor and asked him, “Boss, I want to be rich. What can I do to be rich?”
The mentor looked at his face with a terrifying look and asked him, “You really want to be rich?”, “Yes boss!”, the young guy answered confidently. The mentor turned his back to the young boy and told him, “Meet me by the river 7AM tomorrow”.
The next day, the young guy woke up worrying, “I want to be rich. What does that has to do with the river?”. Anyway, he got to the river and met his mentor at the appointed time. While at the river, the mentor asked him to go with him inside the river, held his neck and pulled his head inside the flowing water.
The little guy struggled so hard to rescue himself from his mentor and when he ran out of the water, the mentor followed him to the river bank, looked at his face and asked him, “Do you really want to be rich?” “I mean it, boss. I want to be rich”, he answered as he breathed fast to recover from the incident inside the water.
The mentor looked away as he turned his back at him again and said, “When you want riches as much as you wanted oxygen while I pulled your neck inside the water, you’ll be rich”.
The lesson here is very simple; when you want to be rich as much as you want oxygen, you’ll be rich.
The single most important decision you can ever make that will make you rich is to want riches as bad as you want oxygen.
How bad do you want oxygen? As bad as you want life, because your life obviously depends on the oxygen.
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