Hiked a pretty far distance to the abandoned Atlas Mine. Wasn't sure if gold had been mined here or not. When I arrived at the abandoned mine, I noticed what looked like copper in the tunnel walls, so I'm assuming copper was mined here. There is no information about this mine or others in the area that I could find. I searched high and low and looked through a couple old mining reports. Nothing. Normally a little bit of historical information can be dug up on any given mine but not in this case.
Later on in the video, I explore a nearby tunnel that I initially filmed in 2009 but did not enter back then due to how unstable the tunnel looked and due to my lack of experience with exploring abandoned mines. This time around, however, I finally entered the sketchy tunnel after a decade of wondering what I had missed.
abandoned mines,abandoned mine,old mines,unusual places,mine,mines,mineshaft,mine shaft,exploration,exploring,underground,copper mine,abandoned,hiking,desert,adventure,mountains,California,Mojave Desert,vertical shaft,tunnel,tunnels,adit,mining history,mining artifacts,headframe,mining for copper,Exploring the Collapsed Vertical Shaft and a Nearby Tunnel at the Atlas Copper Mine,shaft,Nevada,Arizona,Colorado,mining,forgotten places,