
Should We Have to Tolerate Anti Homosexual Beliefs?

Should We Have to Tolerate Anti Homosexual Beliefs? As Christians start to recognize that being openly intolerant of other people just doesn't go over well, some of them start to adopt a new strategy - which is asking that we tolerate them just at they're expected to tolerate others. And if this tolerance is to truly mean anything, then we need to tolerate everything about them, including their deeply held convictions about homosexuality.

But does this make sense? Is it selective to show more tolerance to homosexuality than to anti-homosexual beliefs? And do the paradoxes that result from having to tolerate ideas popularly considered "intolerant" just show that tolerance is an illusion meant to bully people who hold unpopular opinions? This video will explain why these questions are just willfully obtuse wordplay - and why answer is absolutely, positively no.

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