
Is an IUD a good option for me?

Is an IUD a good option for me? Is an IUD a good option for me?
Her Smart Choice Women’s Health Center Educational Series Presents ‘Is An IUD A Good Option For Me?’
There are two types of IUDs and they are both the best birth control options available at this time.
It's the #1 birth control method used in the world. About 23% of sexually active women in the world use this method.
IUD can be used for most women including;
Nulliparous Women: who never gave birth to a child.
Adolescents with one or more kids.
Women who are instantly suffering from postpartum or post-abortion.
Women with almost all acute or chronic medical conditions.
Women desiring emergency contraception are candidates for intrauterine contraception.

It is also a great option if you are suffering from;
Heavy periods.
Anemia from heavy periods.
Painful periods.
Endometriosis related pain.
Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
Abnormal cells in uterus.

It also Reduces the risk for; (Which was found in several medical studies.)
Cervical Cancer.
Uterine Cancer.
Ovarian Cancer.
For additional information, please visit
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