
How an innovative underdog took out one of the greatest players in Street Fighter history.

How an innovative underdog took out one of the greatest players in Street Fighter history. Today we're going back in time to explore one of my all-time favorite Street Fighter matches. Alex Valle is one of the greatest Street Fighter players of all time, and he's playing his trademark character Ryu. Does Sabre, an innovative player using Sakura, a character considered by many to be low tier, stand a chance?

Full match video:
Evo moment 37:
Justin Wong "never give up":
Daigo vs Alex Valle 1998:
Sabre vs OHT sfa3:

Twitch (I stream every weekday from 5-8 EST):

Street Fighter 4,Street Fighter,Evo Moment,Evo Moment 37,Never Give Up,Alex Valle,Sabre,Sakura,Ryu,Justin Wong,Analysis,Match,Greatest,All Time,Fighting Game,History,SF4,2009,daigo,esports,

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