दोस्तों आज हम यंहा Part - 9 में पड़ेंगे और सीखेंगे की Imperetive Sentences को Direct indirect speech में कैसे बनायें
अगर आपने इससे पहले के Direct Indirect Speech के Part/ Video नहीं देखे तो आप यंहा से वो सरे Part/Video देख सकते हे लिंक
Part - 1
Part - 2
Part -3
Part -4
Part -5
Part -6
Part -7
Part -8
Direct and indirect speech
Direct and indirect speech in english grammar
Direct and indirect speech in english grammar rules
Direct and indirect speech in telgu
Direct and indirect speech by mahendra guru
Direct and indirect speech for ssc cgl
Direct and indirect speech in tamil
Direct and indirect speech tax
Direct and indirect objects