Hello viewer! Just so you are aware I do typically multi-stream to YouTube, Mixer, and Twitch via When multi-streaming, you may see a bot in the chat named "RestreamBot". RestreamBot should automatically relay chat messages from any service I am streaming to, to the other services. This way, viewers can chat across multi-platforms (without having to be signed in to other services), and viewers can also know who I am talking to or addressing at any given time.
Please feel free to watch on any platform you prefer:
YouTube -
Mixer -
Twitch -
Lowest (Best) Latency?
From my, and other viewers experience, the latency (the amount of delay from what I am doing in real time to when I see the chat) is usually the lowest (or best) on Twitch followed by YouTube and Mixer. As another general rule of thumb, regardless of what platform you are watching me on, I find the latency to always be at it's lowest/best when watching a stream directly on a computer using a full web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. On most platforms you can view the amount of latency between what you are seeing versus what I am seeing. In order to do so, you can do the following from within a browser on a computer while viewing the stream:
YouTube - Right-click anywhere on the live stream video and then select "stats for nerds". From here you will want to look at the value for "live latency".
Mixer - Click on the "settings" gear and select "video stats".
Twitch - Click on the "settings" gear, select "advanced", and toggle on "video stats". From here you will want to look at the value for "latency to broadcaster".
Best Stream/Video Quality?
When it comes to overall stream/video quality, I find the stream/video quality to be the best on Mixer and Twitch.
If you are ever feeling extra generous and would like to leave a donation, you may do so here:
To see a list of current donation sounds, check out:
To see a breakdown of how much a streamer or content creator receives through different donation methods, please take a look at this document:
Thank you in advance if you decide to leave a donation!
Chat Rules
I know, I know, rules suck. So let's call these guidelines. If you break any of the following guidelines, my mods or myself, may time you out and/or ban you.
Basically, think before you type/speak. Put yourself in the shoes of someone else and think, hey, will what I'm about to say possibly hurt/offend/upset somebody? (Granted it seems like just about anyone can take offense with anything these days, but that's neither here nor there.)
Moral of the story, treat others the same way you like, or hope, to be treated yourself. Hopefully that's with mutual respect and admiration.
I do encourage open discussion and have no problems talking *just about* anything and everything, even if it is not directly related to the game I am playing or video games in general, so chat away!
1. Please do not ask/beg to be a mod. I will assign mods at my own discretion.
2. Please do not promote/advertise your own, or any other, channels. (I have no problems with people discussing their own channels in chat with other viewers.)
3. Please do not ask/beg for subscriptions for your own, or any other, channels.
4. Please do not bring things like hate speech, racist remarks, etc. into the chat.
5. Please do not spam the chat unless I ask my viewers to do so.
6. While I encourage open discussion among fellow viewers, please try to keep hot button/controversial topics to a minimum. Things such as politics, religion, etc.
7. No backseat gaming please unless I strictly ask for help.
8. No game spoilers if I am doing a blind playthrough. Please ask first before posting something that might be considered spoiler-ish.
Humble Partner
Looking for great deals on games? Then please visit Humble Bundle's website by using my partner URL, Any purchases made through my referral link directly support me. Thank you for any purchases!
Multistreaming with