According to RT news, several men attacked the leader of the group after he set the Quran to fire. A demonstration held by Stop Islamization of Norway (SIAN) in the city of Kristiansand turned violent after the group’s leader, Lars Thorsen, defied a police order against burning the holy Muslim book. The rally had been approved by local authorities, but police had warned SIAN against desecrating the Quran after the group said it planned to do so.
Two copies of the religious text were thrown in a trash can during the rally, while Thorsen set fire to another one. The unsanctioned actions infuriated counter-protesters, who vaulted over a fence and attacked SIAN’s leader, reported RT news.
Both Thorsen and his attackers were detained by police, according to media reports.
#Defender_of_Quran #QusaiRashed #IAmFawad #Norway #TheGloriousQuran, #Ilyas #ilyas_Hero_of_Muslim_Ummah #ilyasmuslimhero #muslimhero #ilyaslion #iloveilyas #whoisilyas #norway #umteymuslims #heroofmuslims #ilyasheroofislam #gloriousislam