In this video I will show you 2 different approaches with using the Apriori algorithm (the current de facto method used in data science for association rule mining (aka affinity analysis). We will create a bar chart as you can see in the YouTube video thumbnail and in the video. This will help users to see the occurrence and count of the affinity items. Then we will do another which places all of the affinity item data in a chart for easy analysis. We will use the top 300 affinity relationships in the video, but this is easily tweaked or modified to be whatever you want, but you just can't exceed the number of rules (line items for affinity relationships based on your data). In the video I will cover all of this and show you the complete code in R (RStudio).
Again, affinity analysis is one of my favorite data science processes in r because it almost always has great, quick insights I can use to add to pretty much any analysis and take it over the top. It is also just great data science for beginners that want to be able to get great insights and make a difference right away! Requestors for data science projects at my company (top 200 international Forbes company) are always looking for ways to get a positive spin on any and every campaign, etc. Not all campaigns look positive on the surface, but with an affinity analysis I can pretty much always get a positive spin on new customer developments, trends, etc. that will interest any audience. Affinity analysis is clearly a very important tool in any data scientist toolbox and here I am basically giving you the entire code and explanation so that you can start doing these yourself and impress your coworkers, boss, get that elusive data science job, become a data scientist, lead data analyst, etc...
I hope you found this data science tutorial on affinity analysis and using the apriori algorithm both interesting and helpful.
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