
5 Things Josh Brown’s Firm Does Differently—And How it Resulted in Over 100X Growth in 6 Years

5 Things Josh Brown’s Firm Does Differently—And How it Resulted in Over 100X Growth in 6 Years Few names in the wealth management industry are as well-known as that of the guest on this episode.

Josh Brown is the CEO and co-founder of Ritholtz Wealth Management – an RIA with over $1 billion in assets – but most know him as the prolific voice on CNBC’s Halftime Report and from his no-holds-barred commentary on other major media outlets.

Josh’s The Reformed Brokerblog served as a catapult to popularity, and lead to authoring 2 books, a video series and podcast, a robust social media presence and much more.

Yet, for all he has achieved thus far, few are aware that he came from rather inauspicious beginnings.

In this episode, Josh talks with Mindy about his start in the business, and shares how authenticity and perseverance propelled him to where he is today. He also weighs in on where the industry is now and where he sees it headed, including:

• What drove him to become the prolific blogger that he is—and how writing contributed to his professional growth.
• How building a business is like adding “pieces to a puzzle”—and tips on how to avoid some of the pain points along the way.
• The threshold question that advisors who are considering independence should ask themselves—and why that answer is critical to building a sustainable business.
• Why he thinks that when it comes to building your firm, bigger is better—and how inorganic growth is one of the key factors of his firm’s success.
• The real role of equity—and why he thinks giving employees ownership is important to a firm’s growth.
• Plus, Josh shares 5 things Ritholtz Wealth does differently—and how that contributed to breaking the billion-dollar AUM ceiling.

It’s a high-energy, honest conversation with plenty of insights for all advisors – no matter where you’re seated – and covers all aspects of building a business in the wealth management world.

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financial advisors,careers,independence for advisors,Registered Investment advisor,RIA,IBD,Independent Investment Advisor,wealth management careers,career advice for financial advisors,

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