Over the years, I've many different kinds of old batteries like car, cell phone, laptop, power tools, electronics etc laying around the house...
...and not knowing I can restore back the battery back to its initial condition and save my hard earned income.
Many of my more ambitious DIY projects require the use of single batteries or battery banks...
...not to mentioned thousand of dollars spent buying new batteries.
Nowadays, most of us know buying new batteries are expensive and prices keep going up so I've started reconditioning my old batteries using a method taught to me by Tom Ericson.
And best of all
It's actually not as difficult as one would think and it's effortless for anyone to follow...
... even folks with no DIY skills or that can barely hold a hammer, using only parts that are easy to find online.
I've been able to save money and put it toward other projects that would have been too expensive to complete otherwise.
People often think that a dead battery should be discarded and not aware that it is possible to restore a battery this way.
Imagine the kind of savings for you and your family so that you take your family on a nice vacation each year.
Most people spend over $15,000 on batteries over their lifetime.
Imagine saving it for your children or grandchildren’s college education.
Imagine with this new knowledge and skills so that you can start a part-time battery reconditioning service business.....
...and resells them for a nice extra income.
Imagine a simple new way to build a battery bank to store all of the off-grid power you want so that you can power your electronics and devices...
... without spending a dime on buying batteries again.
Most skills that save you this much money take years to master but battery reconditioning can be learned in one or two afternoons.
If I wouldn't made this pivotal decision in learning to recondition my dead batteries at home,..
...I will be still be spending my hard earned money on buying new batteries.
I certainly don't want you to experience that either ...now that you can easily restore and increase the life of new and old batteries plus saving money.
I'm still shock how for such a low investment, I was able do it over the weekend and restore my car battery to its initial condition.
And good news is that you probably already have some of those tools if not all of them.
Not only it having unlimited battery power, living off-grid, or just saving money, but you also save your mother planet by not polluting it.
So if you want to discover the step by step method that has already helped thousand of everyday folks on...
.. how to start reconditioning dead batteries back to 100% functional battery and save your earned money...
... then go ahead and tap below to watch the video presentation by Tom Ericson. ⤵