Whether or not they realize it, most of them have been wrong about my bipolar.
This stuff needs to be said so I hope they watch it.
I love all of you for caring about me and trying to help. I appreciate you all so much. This video will help you better understand me and save you from worrying about me as much as you do. ♥️
Not trying to be a bitch, but:
I DO NOT want to hear anyone express pity about my bipolar. People like to say how sorry they are that someone has some kind of disorder or whatever. It's unnecessary and, to be honest, it's not wanted. I turned off comments for this reason. This person you see is me. I am everything in front of you, bipolar included. I wouldn't be me if I wasn't bipolar. I have accepted that. Honestly, since it has helped bring me to where I am today I wouldn't change it. Sometimes I think about the stuff I went through and yah, I get sad, but it made me Me. It had to happen.
And I swear.... if anyone hugs me and tells me how sorry they are that I have to live with this or that I went through something in my past I WILL BITE THEM!!!!
Not even joking.
There's always that one person....
Posting this was hard enough without the pity -.-