Creativity is stimulated by the neurochemicals dopamine and seratonin. It is so much easier for us to create when the mind is at rest or in pleasure.
Take a walk in nature.
Go for a jog or swim, or dance.
Have a soothing shower.
Rub your own feet.
Have a massage or gentle yoga class.
Listen to relaxing music.
Listen to a recorded Hypnotherapy.
You might be surprised by the ideas that you come up with.
I offer a Hypnotherapy Package called "Re-Storying & Confidence with Seshat."
Inspired by Seshat, who is the Egyptian scribe goddess of stories and writing. Re-Storying is a powerful tool for transforming Limiting Beliefs getting us stuck along the way with our creations (and life in general).
My Hypnotherapy Recordings are only $25 usd (approx $36 AUD), which is amazing when you consider that you have this recording forever as an MP3 download you can listen to over and over again!
The magic is in the repetition of listening to those powerful Hypnotic Suggestions! So this recording is a lifetime of accessible Hypnotherapy treatment for you.
Claim it right here lovely: