
3 Reasons Your Dreams Never Happen

3 Reasons Your Dreams Never Happen Have your dreams stayed dreams? You goals never get accomplished? Why is that happening to you?

In this video I share the 3 reasons your dreams stay dreams and how I've noticed every September for the last several years I've let me own dreams stay dreams.

Our life looked at closely or from a thousand miles away is a pattern.

The closer you are to it the more complex and the further away the easier it is to recognize.

Looking back at my own I've noticed it's not some strike of lightening rocket science equation to figure out the's simple and simple is powerful.

So check out this video grab these three reasons, take action on them and share with me in the comments if you've had these same problems.

- Did you fix them?
- What were they?
- Why are you still facing them?
- Did this video help?

Appreciate you tuning in with me and I use your comments to fuel my next video, so don't be shy, leave a comment letting me know what you're dealing with and I'll use it for a video topic.

Here's the link to the full blog post:

You Got This! Now let's get it going.

Mike Gowans & the crew at

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