
Vegan What I Eat In A Day (For Optimal Gut Health)

Vegan What I Eat In A Day (For Optimal Gut Health) In today's video: vegan what I eat in a day (for optimal gut health)!

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Breakfast – part 1

Cacao and peanut butter porridge


1tbsp Cacao
1tbsp Chia seeds
1tbsp Flax seeds
1 heaped tbsp Crunchy (or smooth) peanut butter
Porridge oats
Agave (optional)
Almond milk

Add the porridge oats and almond milk to a pan. Bring to the boil and simmer until cooked through. Mix in the cacao, chia seeds, agave and flax seeds. Pour the mixture into a bowl, adding the peanut butter on top.

Breakfast – part 2


Blitz the following ingredients in a blender:

1 small-medium sized beet
1 banana
Handful of frozen berries
Handful of frozen mango
1tsp marine phytoplankton
1tsp maca powder
Almond milk


Jackfruit, lentil and black bean wraps


1 can jackfruit
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1tbsp sriracha sauce
1tsp barbecue sauce
2tsp smoked paprika
1tsp cumin seeds
1tsp ground cinnamon
1tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 red onion, finely chopped
Handful of leafy greens
Coriander, chopped finely, to serve

Add the onions and jackfruit to the pan. Sauce for 5-10 minutes. Then add the chopped tomatoes, sriracha, smoked paprika, cumin seeds, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, tomato puree, lentils and black beans. Simmer for a further 10-15 minutes.

Then add the leafy greens of your choice to your wraps and the mixture. Garnish with coriander and a dash of bbq sauce. Serve with a portion of sauerkraut.


Sweet potato with chick pea and tahini yogurt


Sweet potatoes
1 shallot
1 can of chickpeas
Leafy greens (of your choice)
Dill, finely chopped
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Soya yogurt
1-2tbsp tahini
Pine nuts
Pomegranate seeds
1 tsp smoked paprika
1tsp sea vegetables

Chop the potatoes in half and cook in the oven for 45 mins at 220 (cooking times will vary). When there is 15 minutes of cooking time remaining, add the shallots and pine nuts to a pan and sauté for 3 mins.

Mix the tahini and soya yogurt together.

Add the chickpeas and smoked paprika to the pan. Mash the ingredients together with a fork. Then add the sea vegetables, lemon zest and lemon juice to the pan.

Once the potatoes are cooked through, remove from the oven and add the leafy greens and chickpea mixture on top. Pour over the tahini yogurt. Garnish with dill and pomegranate seeds.

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