
Net Bag With Poor Dog ... Rescue The Abandoned Dog On The Sand Pile

Net Bag With Poor Dog ... Rescue The Abandoned Dog On The Sand Pile Net Bag With Poor Dog ... Rescue The Abandoned Dog On The Sand Pile

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An abandoned dog by the road in a pile of sand. It is pitiful for the dog. That day was a very meaningful day for me. You see, I had a surprise. A lovely dog abandoned in the sand pile. The dog looked around for help, so pitiful. The dog is struggling, so poor. It was tied in a net bag. They tied very tight and the dog could not escape. I took off my bag but the dog could not walk, maybe his leg hurt.

      See this, the dog can't stand up. Looks like it hurts right leg in the back. I feel like that leg is swollen than the other legs. The dog can't walk anymore. I tried to practice it, but it couldn't stand. This leg is much more swollen.

I told my mother to rub the oil on the dog's leg. A slice of dog is less painful and pleasant. My mother found out that the dog had lots of fleas. Fleas attack dogs and dogs that seem uncomfortable. Fleas are everywhere on the dog. The dog was more comfortable and lay still so my mother could catch the bugs. My mother tried to squeeze hot oil so that the dog could not help. Look at this, fleas cling. Finally my mother caught all the fleas on the dog. And right now the dog will be bathed clean.

     Thank you for watching this video of me! Don't forget to sign up for our encouragement channel and cute puppies. Say your thoughts below, and if you like, raise your thumb! Good bye!


pitiful for the dog,meaningful day,A lovely dog abandoned in the sand pile,lovely dog abandoned,The dog is struggling,oil on the dog's leg,the dog had lots of fleas,Fleas attack dogs and dogs,Rescue The Dog,The poor dog,Rescue the abandoned dog,Net Bag With Poor Dog ... Rescue The Abandoned Dog On The Sand Pile,Net Bag With Poor Dog,Rescue The Abandoned Dog On The Sand Pile,Poor Dog,Dog,

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