
Pick A Card- ARE YOU ON THEIR MIND? Are They Thinking Of You?!

Pick A Card- ARE YOU ON THEIR MIND? Are They Thinking Of You?! "Loving others begins with loving yourself. Keep in mind that even when we are looking at your persons energy in these readings, that YOUR energy is most important. Make this life amazing for YOU, regardless of who else is in it. Do not be bitter. Do not be resentful. Appreciate all the people and lessons that have helped to make you who you are because YOU LOVE YOURSELF wholly. Lastly, follow your hearts desire and love others with no expectations of reciprocity. "
Love sincerely, Kai (Light Orb Messages- Angel messenger)

Ethereal Visions
Romance Angels
Everyday Tarot
Kai's Personal Messages

Card 1-Orange: 0:49
Card 2- Purple: 8:39
Card 3- Orange: 18:42
Card 4- Blue: 25:44

Thank you all for stopping by. I wish you LOVE!

Instagram- @lightorbmessages

**I am not responsible for any decisions that you choose to make in your life. I am a card reader, clairsentient and clairaudient. I do not go by the term psychic because I am not telling you which turns you should make on your journey. I am here as a friend to you as a bridge from the angelic realm to help you on along your path**

tarot reading,pick a card,oracle reading,personal reading,am i on their mind,do they think of me,kai,astrology,numerology,

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