What is the SDS program for Canada?
IRCC, Canada has launched the Student Direct Stream (SDS) program in India on 8th June 2018 to provide more eligible Indian students with the opportunity to study at a Canadian post-secondary institution (Universities and Polytechnics) and for the faster student visa application processing time. SDS (Student Direct Stream) is a student permit facilitation program which will offer faster and simpler visa processing to international students.
What are eligibility requirements for the SDS Canada (Student Direct Stream) program ?
In order to be eligible for SDS Canada, students will need to:
have the minimum-required IELTS level of English language ability of 6.0 in all sections (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
purchase of a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $10,000,
have been accepted by an eligible Post secondary Designated Learning Institute (DLI List)
tuition payment for the first year of study at a DLI in Canada,
From 30th April 2019, All students need to apply online to get a study permit through the SDS Stream. No paper applications under SDS.
completion of an upfront medical examination,