
Do you need to think about breathing not to stutter? Effective advice about breathing.

Do you need to think about breathing not to stutter? Effective advice about breathing. Hello, everyone! My name is Kristina. Today we are going to speak about another burning question _ Breathing while stuttering.

So to start with, we all know that there is a popular idea in different speech centers that stutterers should act properly while breathing. They even should learn how to do it correctly. Also there are some wrong and right ways of breathing and the specialists say if you breathe wrongly or you don't use your lungs or chest fully, the speech impediment will definitely bother you.
Actually, that's a really weird question: "Do you need to think about breathing not to stutter ?" For me it's almost like asking: "Do you think about breathing not to suffocate or in order to live?". My answer is clear: "No, I don't". And you can ask any person who doesn't stutter (as an experiment of course), your friends or family members, whether they think about breathing when speaking. I'm 100% sure that the answer will be no, not at all.
Whereas, many stutterers on the contrary often look for some special ways to breathe because they want to find the solution for their speech impediment. And it's not a coincidence, because lots of speech therapist and doctors believe that stutterers need to work hard on their breathing. But those people most likely have never stuttered themselves and they have no idea what they are talking about. Unfortunately, such advices about breathing most commonly lead to a speech deterioration and not to some improvement. To tell the truth, breathing in general is such an unconscious process that you'd better not think about it at all - it should be done totally automatically.
And if we speak about my location again, the matter of the place chosen will be very easy to get. As we all know our nature is a self-regulating system which works great itself without any interference in it. I believe it works the same with our body. It's a system too and breathing is a process, as I said: it is an unconscious action. So there is no need to think about how it works and focus on it, your body knows perfectly how to work well.
For example, stutterer takes a deep breath in, usually it's totally unnecessary, but very common practice that takes place right before a difficult word or phrase. And with this action he provokes himself to fall into the so-called "airlock": when you feel a lump in your throat and you can't say anything. Again there is nothing wondering, this condition must be familiar to anyone who stutter.
Lots of problems appear when stutterers start to think how the process of speech should happen, what to do before saying difficult words or sounds, if he should take more air or less. Some stutterers even believe that if they inhale full lungs of air, it will help to achieve the best result. But it won't. This effort can only create a new airlock, which will put you in another stressful situation. If you stutter, you know about this not on hinge then.
So, here is a little tip I want to give you. Before you start speaking, first I suggest you to make a deep breath out. Then take a short breathe in and then say what you want. But don't pay to much attention to the inhale. A small one amount of air won't create a new airlock. Try this tip to avoid lumps in your throat. First deeply exhale, then shortly inhale and speak. That's it. It's an easy, but very effective tip. When using it, try to feel the difference between various states of your mind, because when you don't make an attempt to have more air than you need, when you don't focus on it - your brain helps you to make it going the right way. Of course, there is much more information about breathing and this advice is only a small piece, but still it can help to have the correct understanding, normal thinking and, as a result, comfortable speaking. This is probably one of your goals, if you are watching this video now. In the author's course Breakthrough we do explain all speech processes in details. You're giveen more working techniques. Tools and practices are always done firstly under our control.

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