1. Chuck E. Cheese's (Commercials starting here aired 7/31/95)
2. "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" Power Promise PSA
3. Next On "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"...
4. Fox Kids Commercial Bumper
5. Froot Loops
6. Street Sharks
7. Taco Bell Kids Meal (With "The Tick" Toys)
8. Promo for "The Fox Cubhouse"
9. Fox Kids Commercial Bumpers
10. Promo for "Taz Mania"
11. Cocoa Puffs (With Dairy Queen coupon)
12. WTIC Pocahontas "Colors Of The Wind" Singalong VHS giveaway (24 years later and I still don't know what the hell a "Blue Corn Moon" is...and apparently the guy who wrote the song didn't either)
13. Promo for "The Simpsons"
14. Fox Kids Commercial Bumpers
15. McDonald's
16. Kool-Aid (With free Pogs!)
17. Fox Kids "The Adventures of Batman & Robin" Super Hero Sweepstakes
18. Fox Kids Commercial Bumpers
19. "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" End Credits (Partial)
20. Trix (Commercials starting here aired 8/1/95)
21. WTIC Station ID
22. Next On "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"...
23. Fox Kids Commercial Bumpers
24. Skittles
25. TV Spot for "Babe"
26. Pop Tarts (With the voice of Gilbert Gottfried)
27. Promo for "Bobby's World"
28. Fox Kids Commercial Bumpers
29. Promo for "The Tick"
30. Golden Grahams
31. Promo for "The Simpsons"
32. Fox Kids Commercial Bumpers
33. Jolly Rancher Tropical Blends
34. Promo for "The Adventures of Batman & Robin"
35. Fox Kids Commercial Bumper
36. "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" End Credits