
5 Games Men Play on Women (REAL TALK)

5 Games Men Play on Women (REAL TALK) Do you feel like your guy is always trying to get something from you and he's always playing games? Learn the 3 Steps to Getting The Right Man To Pursue You And Only You:

There are five games that men play with women that are not collaborative. Okay, it's not working together. But instead they are against your interests, and hopefully, after watching this video, you're going to be keenly aware of these games that they play so you can step away from the game altogether and find the love life that you genuinely deserve.

Games Men Play #1:
Can I get her to have sex with me if I keep taking her out? There are some guys out there that look at sex is being a transactional thing. I'll take you on a date, but you better have sex with me. If you find yourself in a situation like that, you feel almost guilty that you're going out with him.

So maybe you should reciprocate. Don't. That's not how the game is played. You should only have sex with someone if you are feeling it if you are feeling like there is a great connection there and don't get guilt-tripped into sleeping with a guy just because he bought your steak dinner game.

Games Men Play #2:
How many women can I juggle at the same time? There are some guys out there and a lot of times guys who are in their 20s even 30s who are just trying to hook up to as many women as physically possible. Dating apps have made this incredibly easy and a lot of guys, I know a couple of them who will juggle multiple women and seeing how many women can they sleep within a given week.
It's pretty disgusting but it happens is so if you feel like you're dating a guy who's a juggler step away because it's not going to end.

Games Men Play #3:
Can I get laid tonight? Have you ever talked to a guy at a bar and he made a move on you-you're talking, things are going pretty well, and maybe he made a strong movement to try to kiss you, but you denied him?

So he ends up walking away. And you think why did you walk away? Maybe this could have been something the game that he was playing is he's just trying to get laid tonight. There's nothing more. It's a game. He's not looking to date he's not looking to get married and so looking for commitment. He's not looking for a girlfriend.

Games Men Play #4:
Number four is how long can I keep getting what I want without giving her anything that she wants. These are the guys that tell you all the right things that they want to be with you that you're amazing is a great connection, but.

They're never willing to commit their never ready to call you their girlfriend and all they're doing is kind of string you along for as long as they possibly can. This is a relationship leech. He drains all of your emotional energy from you but doesn't give you anything back in return

Games Men Play #5:
How can I make her think that she is the crazy one? This is what is known as gaslighting, which is manipulating a person into thinking that they are the crazy one. Let's take an example. Let's say you're dating a guy and you have an exclusive relationship with him. You're not dating other people, and you notice a text go off on his phone from another woman and it says something like you're getting me going smiley face. Because you're sexy single lady, you're not going to snoop you're not going to go through his phone, but you saw that text, and clearly, that's very sketchy.

You go ahead and ask him about it because that text is inappropriate and his response to you is don't worry about it. That's just some girl from work and don't look at my phone. You're a little crazy. Stop looking at my phone, and you'd say hey, like can you show me the text exchange so I can understand the context of why she would say something like that, and he responds, you're just crazy. You're just clingy stop. You're insane. Nothing is going on there. That, my friends, is gaslighting, he makes you think that you're the crazy one, not him who's probably cheating on you.

If you've ever had a guy pull away and you want to learn how to bring him back into the relationship in a very healthy non-manipulative way then what I recommend is you go to:
It's going to teach you why it is that men pull away and the three biggest dating mistakes that women make that caused them to do so.

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