Group #1: 1:00
Group #2: 11:11
Group #3: 18:42
Group #4: 25:44
Outro: 32:26
Hey Divine Sparks!
Lets see what the energy between you snd your specific person is. This Energy Check-Up is designed to help you add to your Divine Tool-Belt as you manifest your desires into your reality...
As a quick reminder, remember to only take away the messages from this reading that resonate with you...If this video was unable to help you, please find another wonderful Divine Spark here on YouTube to assist you in the guidance that you need...There are so many beautiful readers in this community & you never know which one will have that perfect message for you!
✨ Check-Out My Be the Light Academy Channel for more information on my Spiritual Counseling & Twin Flame Coaching💡:
✨ Remote Healings Sessions & Prices 📿
- Twin Flame & Or Divine Counterpart Healing: $150
-Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine Healing: $140
- Personal Healing: $120
- Past Life Channeling & Healing: $110
- Blockages Breakthrough Session: $80
- Karmic Cord Cutting Session: $60
Informational Video Regarding Booking a Remote Healing with Me:
For More Information on Each Individual Healing visit
✨ Personal Reading Sessions & Prices 🔮
- How Does He/She Feel Reading
- Energy Check-Up Reading (Love, Career/Schooling, Family Matters, & Life Purpose)
$30/30 Minutes
$40/40 Minutes
Specialty Readings:
- Divine Counterpart Blockages Reading
- Divine Counterpart Connection Reading
- Divine Feminine OR Divine Masculine Healing Reading
35-45 Minute Sessions Discounted Rates:
- $50 Audio & Pictures
- $70 Video
1 Hour Sessions:
- $80 Audio & Pictures
- $100 Video
Informational Video Regarding Booking a Reading with Me:
For More Information on Each Personal Reading Session, visit
🗓 To book a personal reading or remote healing? Email me at: learnthelightacademy@gmail.com or
🔮 To check out more information on the individual services that I offer, visit my official business website at:
💌 If you would like to donate to Learn the Light Academy & help my business and intuitive services grow, use the link below! This Link is ONLY for DONATIONS...This link is NOT for purchasing PERSONAL READINGS or REMOTE HEALINGS:
Social Media:
Main YouTube Channel: Be the Light Academy
Pick a Card YouTube Channel: Learn the Light Academy
Facebook: Be the Light Academy
Instagram: bethelight.academy
Twitter: @LearntheLight
Website: bethelightacademy.com
Decks Used:
- Game of Thrones Tarot: Game of Thrones Tarot
- Heal Yourself Reading Cards:
- Ethereal Visions Tarot:
- Golden Universal Tarot:
- Romance Oracle Cards: