We would like to invite you to a very special prayer meeting. God's people need revival now like never before. We cannot just hope and wish for revival; we need to have a real plan. God has given us this plan in the Testimonies for the Church, which points to Scripture and explains how to make the path plain for the Spirit to come into our lives. Mondays at 8am central time we will meet on WhatsApp to pray and discuss a practical plan to start 1000 groups praying in each division and reading the Testimonies for the church before General Conference 2020. Join us if you want to be part of a mighty revival of God's Spirit! Register by going to: www.RevivalPlan.com/pioneerprayer. You will receive an invite to the WhatsApp group after you register.
General Conference,Ted Wilson,revival,reformation,Bible,Ellen White,ordination,seventh-day adventist,