

“But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

Mark 16:18
“They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

The word of God is the best manual to fight against eating in the dream. Some Bible verses have been produced by the Holy Spirit to neutralize the effects of satanic foods eaten in the dream. If you are eating in the dream consistently, bombard your spirit-man with these helpful Bible verses .

For example, when we used different Bible verses to cancel evil dreams, there would be faster results. Though eating in the dream means a person is being initiated into witchcraft and a way of poisoning the spirit, soul and body of the person.

Once a person encounter the dream of eating all kinds of food for example, the glory of the person would be destroyed and a person would become vulnerable to sicknesses and backwardness. May that never be our portion in the dream.


1. When you eat in your dream, you 'll experience sickness or moving objects in the body (serpentile movement).
2. When you eat in the dream, you will surely discover weakness in your spiritual life.
3. When you eat in the dream, it indicates that a person's soul has been dedicated to witchcraft.
4. When you find yourself eating in the dream, it therefore means that you are eating poison. It also means that you are likely to eat food poisoning prepared by someone in reality. Reject it now.
5. When you eat and drink in the dream, it means a high level of bondage of affliction and obstacles have been assigned against you.
6. When you eat in the dream as a pregnant woman, it symbolizes the spirit of sorrow, weeping that are translating into miscarriage, still birth, birth by operation etc.
7. When you eat in the dream as a job seeker, it therefore means your hope of getting a good (better) job is a defeated dream by your enemies. Pray well please.
8. When you eat often in the dream as a first born or first daughter of the family, it signifies the yoke of suffering, poverty, shame. It could also mean that such person cannot attain success in life or fulfill his or her desire.
9. When you find yourself eating with dead relatives in the dream, it represents that you are not going to last on earth. Why? Because you 're eating the food belonging to the dead people. In some cases, it can also lead to chronic sickness and non-achievement.
10. If you see yourself eating in a restaurant, or you saw a person prepared food to you in the dream, this can never be a good dream. It means you are attached to marine witchcraft holding your benefits in the river. Pray for breaking out.
11. Maybe you see your wife cooking a delicious meal for you in the dream, oga, run oo. This usually indicates the enemy is trying to poison your marriage with long term problems.

Alternatively, you saw your wife or mother putting poison in your food, it means that these people have been used by devil to make life unbearable for you, and to draw you closer to your grave. But if you are not suspecting them, then concentrate your prayer on every enemy of your marriage, destiny, and career etc.
12. If a sick person dreams of eating food (Nigerian food) for example, then it indicates a warning revelation that such person will keep spending money on constant sickness and family problems.


1. I refused to eat in the dream, in Jesus name.
2. Blood of Jesus, neutralize and remove all spiritual foods from my body, in Jesus name.
3. The strange food that will make me not to love my wife/husband again, I cast you out, in Jesus name.
4. Any wicked spirit, forcing food into my mouth in an attempt to cause permanent affliction, go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.
5. Any food poisoning that I have ever eating in the dream or in my physical world that have converted my original destiny to shame, be reversed by fire, in Jesus name.
6. O God arise in your anger, and set ablaze every power bombarding the stomach of my husband/wife with love charm, be arrested, release my husband/wife from your captivity by fire, in Jesus name.
7. I cancel all dreams dragging my destiny to graveyard of my dead relatives or forefathers. I reject it by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
8. All bewitched foods assigned to track my destiny, be converted to a blessed food in my stomach, in the name of Jesus.
9. Any evil food eaten from a person who is connected to marine demons and idolatry spirit of his or her father's house, I break the ties between me and you, in Jesus name.
10. Declare I am free at last from eating in the dream.

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Eating in the dream,dreams and interpretations by dr d.k olukoya MFM,bible verses against eating in the dream,spiritual meaning of eating in the dream,what does it mean to eat in the dream,Scriptures to cancel eating in the dream,mfm prayer points eating in the dream,eating meat eating egg in the dream,eating and drinking in the dream spiritual meaning,bible verses to cancel night caterer dreams,

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