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Would you rather read about sugar withdrawal? Click here:
“Sugar is the new crack cocaine!”
Yeah, people are actually saying that these days.
They're telling us that sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and the more we eat, the more likely we are to get fat, sick, and, ultimately, dead.
It sounds bad. Really bad.
How true is it, though?
Does every dessert we eat push us a little further down the slippery slope of disease and dysfunction, and make it ever harder to claw our way back to optimal health and vitality?
Can we develop a “sugar dependence” in the same way we can become physically dependent on alcohol, cocaine, or heroin?
Can it get so bad that we can experience legitimate withdrawal symptoms if we stop eating sugar?
Well, the short answer is this:
The “addictive properties” of sugar are being grossly exaggerated by many mainstream diet and health "gurus."
Yes, it’s tasty and pleasurable, and yes, many people might think they're addicted to it, but as you’ll soon see, that doesn’t make for a valid medical condition.
Likewise, most discussions of “sugar withdrawal” are equally bogus.
In fact, the absence of genuine withdrawal symptoms, like those seen with hard drugs, is one of the dead giveaways that sugar doesn't warp our brains in the same ways.
So, if you’re ready to learn the truth about sugar withdrawal, and what constitutes a real addiction and what doesn't, then you want to listen to this podcast.
4:36 - What is sugar withdrawal?
7:09 - Is sugar withdrawal real?
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10 Proven Ways to Relax Your Muscles and Mind:
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