The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. No one, especially a young person, likes to be lectured about what he or she can or cannot do. Thus, we provide the facts that empower youth to choose not to take drugs in the first place.
The Truth About Drugs campaign consists of activities that people can join which popularize drug-free living. These activities are simple, effective and can involve people of all ages. Through a worldwide network of volunteers and working with more than 800 police, government, and community partners and alliances, 62 million educational booklets have been distributed, tens of thousands of drug awareness events have been held, and public service announcements have reached more than 260 million viewers in 123 countries. These materials and activities have helped people around the world learn about the destructive side effects of drugs and thereby make the decision for themselves to not use them. The Foundation provides information you need to start a Truth About Drugs education and prevention activity in your area.
The Foundation for a Drug Free World of The Americas was founded in 2006. We are proud to offer free drug education events, presentations, informational sessions and lectures to schools, after-school programs, community organizations, faith-based organizations, etc. throughout New York City, Long Island and select cities around this area. We also are here to help assist you in obtaining the foundation's free drug education materials which you can find at: www.drugfreeworld.org. This includes the foundation's drug education booklets which cover almost every illicit drug and which complement any drug education curriculum, event, school program, etc. We also are proud to offer "The Truth about Drugs Education Package" which can be obtained at www.drugfreeworld.org as well. The curriculum contains lesson plans, group activities, a DVD, booklets, posters and more. Should you need help implementing this, we are here to assist you!
To book an event or for any question, please contact us at: Office@DrugFreeWorldAmericas.org.