
Testimony Beyond Drink and Drugs

Testimony Beyond Drink and Drugs Is there hope for addicts in God? Can Jesus save you even from alcoholism? See the truth in this first hand account of the promise of God to you even when you are in trouble and feel hopeless.
Tim Brown was born in 1953, and by the age of 14, and a Catholic boy, he was drinking weekly. Along with alcohol, by age 16 Tim was totally out of control and using drugs of all types. So it was for the next 20 years of his life, including his time in the military. Tim's interview with Richard Bennett is a most interesting account of a man that overcame deep addiction. He not only overcame it, but he now has a totally new energetic life in the Lord. Not only is Tim free to live with thanksgiving in his heart, the useful experiences from his devastating years are now used to rescue men who are caught in the addiction trap. Tim on his Website states his purpose. "To see substance abusers become fully devoted followers of Christ. The only way to find freedom, deliverance and true peace is through a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. It is this relationship which frees a man from sin, including substance abuse."


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Jesus Christ,Revelation,Saviour,illuminati,antichrist,jesuits,vatican,society of jesus,IHS,black pope,KJV1611 bible,reformation,inquisition,beast,nwo,new world order,awakening,truth,word of god,creation,counterreformation,protestantism,protestant,catholic,babylon,joggler66,history,H.Grattan Guiness,futurism,false doctrine,hour of the truth,conspiracy,pope,roman catholic church,Berean Beacon,Richard Bennet,alcohol,drink,drug,sober,

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