
Schools Cannot be Trusted | ENTREPRENEUR RANT | Katousha

Schools Cannot be Trusted | ENTREPRENEUR RANT | Katousha Hey, y’all! The fact is that schools exist to condition the masses. We’ve all heard about the school-to-prison pipeline; here’s yet another way that schools take children with dreams and produce citizens. Don’t become conditioned; don’t be who they want you to be. Let me know what you all think and your experiences with the education system below and tag a couple of friends if you’d like to start a discussion. I appreciate all y’all’s support! 🥰 .
#School #SchoolSystem #PublicEducation #Employees #Employable #Business #StartYourOwnBusiness #Entrepreneur #EntrepreneurshipRant #StartingYourOwnBusiness #SchooltoPrisonPipeline #Truth


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