
If we do not understand others, we will not be able to help them.

If we do not understand others, we will not be able to help them. Let me tell you a joke.
There was a dynamic old lady.She was really energetic.
Most of the grannies sitting here are full of energy, too.
One day, right after the old lady boarded a bus,a well-mannered young boy stood up, offering his seat to her.‘Granny, please sit here!’
The old lady said, ‘Oh! Young boy, just remain seated.’
I am still young. You don’t need to give your seat to me.’
After a while, the young boy stood up again.
The old lady pressed on his shoulders,and she said, ‘It’s alright boy!
You don’t have to give your seat to me.
‘ I am not that old. I am still young.’
This went on three or four times.
Then, the young boy suddenly burst into tears.
Upon seeing the boy crying, she asked, why are you crying?’
Still in tears, the little boy answered,
‘Granny, I have missed my house by a few stops from here.
Why did you stop me from going home?’

If we do not understand others, we will not be able to help them.
Thus, Buddhist practitioners should learn to understand others before you can help others.
A lot of people are troubled by worries, regrets, loneliness and inferiority complex.It is all because they keep thinking of something that they should not be thinking of.They are unable to have control over their own mind. Hence, we should understand the reasons for all those feelings of inferiority , regrets and worries.

Let me tell you that we are troubled when we torture ourselves with the mistakes that we have done before.
We keep thinking about it when we are home.
This is how we torment ourselves.
We are tormented by regrets when we let bygones torture us.
We are tormented by worries when we frighten ourselves by imagining risks that have yet to come.
We suffer loneliness when we shackle ourselves in a jail that is created by our own mind.
We feel inferior when we compare and belittle ourselves with the strengths of others.
Everyone has their own strengths.
So, when you understand the causes of all these negative energies, you will be at ease.
Once you free yourself of these negative energies,
you will then look beyond and let go of them and get enlightened.


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