
Channel Birthday Personal Update (1 year of Subliminals)

Channel Birthday Personal Update (1 year of Subliminals) I can't believe it's been almost a year already and I thought I'd never make it. But yeah expect more subs remember you can always request below unless I say I can't which I have the right to say no but more often than not I'll accept! Also I'm currently using a Futaba Subliminal so hopefully I can share my journey when I'm done with it! But enjoy this awesome punk song by MCR (My Chemical Romance) the name is "You Know What They Do To Guys like Us In Prison" I've actually been enjoying making subs again, which I kinda had a break but now I can make more faster so!

Seeya! This was a random video...

- Futaba (H4CK3R G1RL)


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