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A new PLATE BOUNDARY could form between the Gulf of California all the way up the California / Nevada border to Pyramid Lake! Allowing the ocean to extend from Southern California up into Nevada
Scientists hope to predict next major quake Quote: "The team found that a series of minor tremors preceded a “mainshock” in 72 percent of cases"Wow, really?! Simply put -small earthquakes swarm BEFORE large quakes 72% of the time!
Scientists have now figured out that very large earthquakes are PRECEDED by swarms of smaller quakes.... first the swarms... then the big events follow shortly after nearby the swarm location! Read more about it here:
Researchers have turned LIQUID METAL into Plasma! This has huge implications on the mantle, and core of the Earth. Read more about the discovery here:
Earthquakes can systematically trigger other events on opposite side of Earth - antipodes:
Professionals now adopting "GLOBAL EARTHQUAKE FORECASTING MODELS which have been proved correct: