0:00 Threeside Feat
Hip-hop is a music genre that combines rap with electronic beats, samples and other music performed by a DJ.
Hip-hop has a considerable quantity of directions: from "easy" enough styles, such as pop-rap, to aggressive - hardcore-rap, horrorror-corner. The subjects of the texts vary, from easy and easy and even comedy to the story of social problems or the life of the criminal world. There is also a freestyle in which the performer improvises the text on the move, and an instrumental hip-hop without texts at all.
The genre was born in the late 1970s in the U.S. among African-Americans and is considered an important part of their culture, but has since spread and become popular in most countries around the world. The origins of hip-hop lie in the funk - the main "ancestor" of this direction. Rhythm and blues, soul, jazz and reggae have also influenced the formation of hip-hop.