
What Do You Wish People Could Know, Believe, or Feel About Themselves?

What Do You Wish People Could Know, Believe, or Feel About Themselves? Get the whole Serenity in the Trenches Series:

There is an old adage that says, ‘hurt people hurt people’. We’ve all experienced the truth of this message. Probably as both the giver and receiver at different points.

It’s also true that seen people see people. Supported people support people. Loved people love people. And as people, we get to choose the kind of world we want to create. Do we want to contribute to a world of hurt? Or start building a world of compassion, support, and love?

It might seem like a very simplistic way of seeing things. I know it’s not black and white. But I also believe that if we’re going to create a better world, we’ve got to engage in it with a self-aware naivety. The kind that gives us a chance of doing a bit better.

In the penultimate part of Serenity in the Trenches we are exploring the messages people wish others knew, believed, or felt about themselves. As a way to subvert the general message that underpins a lot of our modern world – that we are not enough, we are broken, and others are out to get what we wish we could have.

Hurt People Hurt People,Alice Southern,Beth Buelow,Boom Shikha,Cameron Airen,Carina Nickerson,Cat Rose,Jacob Nordby,Jacquelyn Strickland,Jim Woods,Jennifer Kahnweiler,Josie George,Lauren Sapala,Leah Burkhart,Mark Pierce,Michaela Chung,Nancy Ancowitz,Neil Hughes,Sarah Kuhn,Sarah Santacroce,Thea Orozco,Tracy Cooper,Tracy Guillet,Tuula Ahde,Creativity,Introvert,Introversion,Highly Sensitive Person,Change The World,Personal Growth,

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