
The Most Powerful Advice on Self-Growth | by Jay Shetty

The Most Powerful Advice on Self-Growth | by Jay Shetty Our mind constantly tricks us into diminishing the positive and amplifying the negative. We remember a sincere compliment for a moment and a harsh criticism for a lifetime.

Happiness comes from how we feel about ourselves when no one else is around. Where do we get our sense of worth? From our partners? Our jobs? Our friends and family? The most important place to get our sense of worthiness is from within ourselves.

Let’s not run away from, avoid, or bury our emotions. We get to choose what we allow into our minds. It’s time to face our feelings head on and accept that we are worthy. We do belong. We are special. The more we believe it, the more likely we are to attract it.

Remember, where we are right now isn’t our final destination. If we need help, we can go out there and find it! It’s up to us to seek out mentors who will help care for us, teach us the skills we need, and give us wisdom and guidance when we need it.

The choice is ours. No one else can save us. It’s time to be the hero we need for ourselves.
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Jay Shetty is a storyteller, podcaster, and former monk who wants to make wisdom go viral. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a monk, and truths he has learned to make others’ lives better.
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