
The Definitive Guide To Scarcity and Abundance With Women

The Definitive Guide To Scarcity and Abundance With Women Why do so many men struggle to attract women? Because they have a scarcity mindset.

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Detailed breakdown:
When you're learning how to pick up girls, you can easily get overwhelmed by all the concepts out there. Don't get caught up in the minutiae, instead, focus on the few foundational concepts that matter most.
One of those concepts is abundance and scarcity. When it comes learning how to get laid, so much of your results will come from breaking out of a scarcity mindset.
We often wonder what women want. More than anything, they want a guy that isn't needy or desperate, they want a guy that is carefree and fun. And the underlying difference between desperation and fun is abundance and scarcity.
When a guy doesn't have many prospects, he takes his interactions with a girl he likes way too seriously and she loses all desire for him. Conversely, when a guy has plenty of options, he can let loose and have fun because he doesn't really care if he ends up getting the girl.
This is why it's so important to learn how to approach girls. Cold approach forces you to cultivate an abundance mindset because you are creating many opportunities with different women. And although you can't expect to learn how to get any woman you want, you will be able to get an abundant dating life with practically limitless options.
For details as to exactly how this works, watch the video.

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