My violent video that was removed form youtube, here is the source video:
Patriots Corner is a place where Canadians can share their videos , stories, thoughts and opinions on Canada and whats going on within. The good and the bad.
Catch something on tape that needs to be shared? Have something to say?
Send videos / links to: patriotscorner2019@gmail.com
Keep videos to 10min maximum. The shorter the better, get to the point, exceptions for special events.Give me a title for your video. Your face must be infront of the camera if you have something to say. I cant say every video will be uploaded, The only suppression of free speech will be within you tube rules or stupidity.
Please help support your channel:
Paypal : patriotscorner2019@gmail.com
e transfur : staticfuel@yahoo.ca
Other Great you tubers to follow.
Rants Derek
Irving Twin
Facts VS. Feelings
Noble Savages
AJ Elicits
Free Bird Media Canada
Greg Wycliffe
JD Meaney
Raging Humanist
What's Up Canada
Patriot Gus
Fredrick Godzilla Menckin
Steve L-TT
Kulbir Singh:
The Canadian Block
Critickill Thinker