
Not By Will, But By Acknowledging GOD as WHO HE IS!

Not By Will, But By Acknowledging GOD as WHO HE IS! The Whole of Human Existence and the root of their problems is not one of choice or choosing to believe in God, but, rather it is an act of one's willingness to acknowledge God as God - WHO HE IS as revealed by HIS Footprint He left behind in His Creation. Romans Chapter One spokes all about that and in Romans 1:21 God's pronounced His judgment on all of Mankind who refuses to acknowledge Him as God so that they can be their own "god" as the final verdict as man's sin; not his attributes of committing acts of sinning as SIN. Therefore. the failure to admit and submit to God's Will makes one an enemy and opposition to God as his "God" in short.

This is a Channel to bless humanity and especially truth-seekers.

Freely receive, freely gives. Truth will always prevails over lies. Who you are and what you will become will be more and more distinct as you continue your dependance upon the "Source" that feeds you in your thoughts and your thinkings. You are bond to the Source and are one with the source whether it will be God or the Devil - you become a captive of the source.

EdmondUTV5,Roy Masters,FHU,Meaning of Human Existnce,

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