
My Mom Embarrassed Me In Front Of All College

My Mom Embarrassed Me In Front Of All College Hi! I’m Ida. I am 20 years old now and I’m still living with my parents, well, sort of. I guess I know how it happened – I just missed the perfect time for me to leave the nest, as they say, and now I’m simply afraid of leaving my old folks on their own. Here’s the story.
For starters, I was a long-awaited for child. Mom and dad had been married for 15 years when they finally heard that sacred “you are going to have a baby” phrase. And when I was born, both of them were already over 40 years old, so, yes, that was kinda a huge generation gap.

When I was little I often heard some of the other children asking whether that was my mom or my granny who had come to pick me up from kindergarten and other stuff like that. It’s not that that has been annoying and embarrassing during my whole life, but their attitude toward me was. They were always afraid to miss something. That’s why, for example, they never allowed me to stay at my friends' houses overnight. However, they were happy to have as many of my friends at our home, for as long as they wanted to stay. Mom was always cooking something tasty for us and dad would entertain us in every possible way, starting from riding on his back and ending with him telling funny stories from his childhood. You might say, it’s not a big deal and it wasn’t until I grew up a little more that I wished to have my own space.

I remember, when I was 12, I went to camp for the first time in my life. All my friends from school were going to be there and I knew it would be an awesome week by the lake. Of course, it turned out to be enormously hard to convince my parents that everything was gonna be OK, and when they finally agreed, I felt like I was the happiest person on the planet. But not on the departure day, when my dad said that he would want to escort the bus to the destination. So, yes, one guy started joking about me having my own elderly bodyguard and everybody on the bus was laughing (even the bus driver), and I kept pretending as if I was fascinated by the view by staring through the window, while I was also trying to keep my tears from running down my cheeks.

And when I grew a little bit more and the time had come for me to go to my friends’ parties and to go on dates with guys, guess what my parents did? They would wait until however late it would be to drive me home. Yeah, I had no curfew for these cases. Some of my friends envied me for having such progressive parents, but for me, it looked weird, when, let's say, a party was over and I started dialing my dad’s number to tell him that I was ready to go home so that he’d come and pick me up. Or when a date I was on was in full swing, so to speak, but I couldn’t relax, because I knew that my dad was waiting for my call. It’s not that my folks were control freaks or anything. I guess they were just worried about me and they probably thought that they were acting cool enough to seem younger than they really were.
But the turning point in this story came along during my 18th birthday. You see, I had always wanted to have a car, and my parents, even though they tried to be cool, never bought me one. They continued to wonder why I would need a car if I had a dad who could drive me anywhere I wanted to go. Anyway, I graduated from school and managed to get scholarships to two different colleges – one was like an hour ride from our home, and to get to the other one, I had to fly across the country. Now, try to guess which one I preferred, given that I already badly wanted to separate from my parents.

I’d say that mom and dad were sad when they heard about my choice, but that wouldn’t be true. They were devastated. Mom began clutching at her heart, moaning with tears about how I was going to live so far away, alone in a dirty and shameless dorm, where anything bad could happen to me, and dad began worrying that he would no longer have a duty to be my personal driver, which he enjoyed so much. To be honest, it was hard for me also, to make my old folks this upset and for a second I even wanted to change my mind about colleges, but I didn’t. So everybody in our family had started to get ready to accept a whole new way of living.

A few days before my Birthday I found both mom and dad joyfully grinning whenever they saw me. Of course, I drew the conclusion that they were up to something interesting and surprising for my birthday party, like giving me a new car and that really inspired me. Every day my expectations and a child-like enthusiasm about the gift kept increasing, and as a result, right on the Big Day, I woke up at nearly 6 in the morning and immediately ran to my parents...

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