83% of S. Koreans proud to be Korean, according to culture ministry’s survey on people’s awareness and values
A survey was conducted on what South Koreans think about their life, their country's culture and society.
A vast majority of locals were proud to be Korean with most expressing satisfaction with their life in general.
Lee Min-sun zooms in on the results. Most South Koreans feel proud to be Korean and are generally happy with their life and work.
According to a recent survey conducted by cultural ministry, 84 percent of respondents said they are proud to be Korean and over 80 percent described Korea as a good place to live.
64 percent of respondents also said they are generally happy with their life. In a follow up question, over 60 percent said they feel their work is valuable and they have freedom to make choices in life. However, some 24% said they sometimes feel depressed for no specific reason or often feel angry over minor issues.
Many Koreans also felt proud of their traditional and popular culture, including things like K-pop. Nine out of ten respondents said Korea has outstanding traditional, moral and popular culture.
The number of respondents with positive feedback on Korea's pop culture especially grew in recent years. Compared to the most recent survey in 2016, more those who said Korea has "outstanding" pop culture rose by 39 percent.
However, many Koreans expressed concern over conflicts in Korean society. 92 percent said there is a large conflict between conservatives and liberals and 90 percent said Korea has a serious level of economic polarization.
Views on North Korea have also shifted in the recent years. 51 percent said North Korea is South Korea's cooperative partner or subject of help. But 61 percent said there's no need to rush reunification, marking the highest since the survey was conducted in 1996.
Being the 7th edition of the survey, this year it was conducted on 5-thousand 1-hundred Koreans.
Lee Min-sun Arirang News.
#SouthKorean #culture #survey
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